An eco-friendly garden is a good idea if you want to help with local biodiversity. Although it might seem hard to accomplish, it only takes a couple of easy steps, like growing more trees and using natural pest control methods. This ultimate guide talks all about them and more!

Use Proper Landscaping Techniques
If you are thinking of landscaping, the biggest thing you can do to ensure eco-friendliness is to hire a more sustainable landscaping company, like Luma Landscapes for instance – you’d want someone who won’t use improper landscaping techniques. Some techniques like overplanting and ignoring water efficiency can ruin your soil quality.
Generally speaking, you don’t want to get rid of any plants or trees in your garden that animals use as habitat either. This is important to keep in mind regardless of if you are going to be landscaping yourself or hiring a professional team.
Help With the Air Quality
While on the topic of trees, it would be ideal if you could plant more trees. You can help the microclimate of your backyard, making it and your home cooler. This can ultimately help reduce energy costs. Additionally, more trees mean cleaner air as they suck up the carbon dioxide in the surrounding area.
Use Natural Pest Control
Pesticides can wreak havoc on the ecology in your garden, potentially making any foods that you harvest not fit to eat too. The best way around this would be to use natural pest control methods, like using essential oils to ward off annoying insects.
From personal experience, peppermint oil works the best – you can add a few drops into a water spray bottle, and then spritz your plants.
Attract More Birds
Birds tend to migrate and move about yearly, so you can set up a bird feeder to encourage birds to keep visiting your garden. This will ultimately help the local population as well as the local food chain.
But also, having birds return can act as a natural pest control method, as they would eat any unwanted insects in your yard.
You can simply put out some seeds and nuts to attract them, but if you want to take it one step further, you can set up a birdfeeder. Going with a bird feeder can be a good idea, as you’d not only improve your chances of getting birds to return but also beautify your garden a bit more.
Plant Nectar Rich Plants
Globally, there has been talk about a shrinking honeybee population, which can be detrimental to the pollination of plants. To help with this, you can plant nectar-rich plants to attract honeybees.
On the upside, the nectar-rich plants will not only attract bees, but they will also attract other pollinators, helping with pollination and growing your garden.

Grow Your Own Vegetables
If you are not growing your own vegetables, consider doing this. You’ll be able to reduce your food miles, as you can harvest your own food from the comfort of your home.
As a newbie, you might be wondering how much space you would need. The truth is that you don’t need that much space– you primarily must make sure your soil is good, and that your vegetables have enough sunlight.
Final Thoughts
All in all, hopefully, you found this guide useful. It ran through some of the best tips to make your garden more eco-friendly – you’ll definitely be able to live more sustainably if you try them out!